Angel G
I would like to create a combo box that will display the values of a text
field pertaining to a selecte Item.
I have a table called TestSeries that contains a partNumber field and a
Series text box where an administartor will enter the number of intervals
that the partnumber needs to be tested on (0,3,6,9,12,15). Then I have a
results table that stores the tests data along with the test series number.
Can anyone provide a sample code to do this using a combo box in a form?
I was thinking something like:
Select Series
FROM TestSeries
WEHERE (PartNumber = form![Myform]!PartNumbercbx.value)
Unfortumatelly this will give me the Text box containing all the numbers
(0,3,6,9,12,15) as one row, but I would like it to display as a drop down
displaying one row per value, so that the user can select one number only.
field pertaining to a selecte Item.
I have a table called TestSeries that contains a partNumber field and a
Series text box where an administartor will enter the number of intervals
that the partnumber needs to be tested on (0,3,6,9,12,15). Then I have a
results table that stores the tests data along with the test series number.
Can anyone provide a sample code to do this using a combo box in a form?
I was thinking something like:
Select Series
FROM TestSeries
WEHERE (PartNumber = form![Myform]!PartNumbercbx.value)
Unfortumatelly this will give me the Text box containing all the numbers
(0,3,6,9,12,15) as one row, but I would like it to display as a drop down
displaying one row per value, so that the user can select one number only.