OK, I have a Cat table, subCat table, SubSubCat table and a Product table. I store the SubSubCatID in the Product table as FK. On my product form, I have cboCat, cboSubCat, cboSubSubCat as combo boxes
1. When the form is loaded, I'd like to have Cat, SubCat, SubSubCat preselected in the combo boxes depending on the SubSubCatID in the Product table
2. Also, the choices in SubCat dropdown are only for the current selected Cat, and the choices for SubSubCat are only for the current selected SubCat
3. Then the user can select Cat, then SubCat, then SubSubCat to update Product table
I've been on this for 2 days and could not get it to work. I am having problems to display Cat and SubCat when a product is first loaded. Also, I have problems to refresh the dropdown dynamicly
Please please help
1. When the form is loaded, I'd like to have Cat, SubCat, SubSubCat preselected in the combo boxes depending on the SubSubCatID in the Product table
2. Also, the choices in SubCat dropdown are only for the current selected Cat, and the choices for SubSubCat are only for the current selected SubCat
3. Then the user can select Cat, then SubCat, then SubSubCat to update Product table
I've been on this for 2 days and could not get it to work. I am having problems to display Cat and SubCat when a product is first loaded. Also, I have problems to refresh the dropdown dynamicly
Please please help