Combo Box 2 Bound Columns?

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Is it possible to save 2 fields from a Combo Box to the underlying table?
For example, if I had a Combo Box with the fields TestID and TestName and
want to save them both to associated fields in the table.
I know this is bad form, but have a unique situation.
Is it possible to save 2 fields from a Combo Box to the underlying table?
For example, if I had a Combo Box with the fields TestID and TestName and
want to save them both to associated fields in the table.
I know this is bad form, but have a unique situation.

You'll need to have a separate textbox bound to TestName, and use the
AfterUpdate event of the combo to "push" the name into the bound textbox:

Private Sub cboTest_AfterUpdate()
Me!txtTestName = Me!cboTest.Column(1)
End Sub

This assumes a two column combo (column 0 being the TestID, Column 1 the
name), bound to the TestID field, and a separate textbox named txtTestName.
Why?! If you are already saving, say, the "ID" field from the combobox in
the table behind your form, you don't NEED to store a second field. Any
time you need to see the second field, use a query.

If you want to see the second field in the same form, John's approach let's
you push it into an unbound textbox on the form without having to save it in
any table.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
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You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer
Thanks John the push to a second text box works fine.
Jeff, to answer your question. The records for this database are imported
from odbc queries from another large system. The TestIDs and Test Names
change in that database frequently. I do not maintain that system and also do
not want to try and keep up with the changes, I just need the ID and Name
when I need it.