The first problem I have is you M2M relationships. There really is no such
thing in a relational database. A logical M2M can exist, but to physically
resolve it, you use an intermediate table that sits between the two and is
1toM on both sides. For example, students and classes. One student can
enroll in 0 to many classes. A class may have 0 to many students enrolled.
Therefore, a M2M exsits between students and classes. That is resolved with
another table that needs only two fields, one for the Primary Key of the
student table and one for the Primary key of the class table. So each time a
student is enrolled in a class, a record is created to show the relationship.
Now from the student side, you can see which classes a student is enrolled
in and from the class side, you can see which students a are enrolled it a
What I am getting at is that I suspect your relational design needs some
But, based on your info, I think a Union query combining all 3 tables would
be the way to go. If you open Help in the VBA Editor and in the Table Of
contents, click on Microsoft Jet SQL Reference, Data Manipulation Language,
UNION Operation, perhaps that will give you some ideas.