Combining records Questions



I have data like this:

Record 1:
Doe, Jane Doe, 1 main street
Record 2:
Doe, John Doe, 1 Main Street

What I what to do is the following:
Doe, Jane Doe, John Doe, 1 Main Street

How do I do this.

John W. Vinson

I have data like this:

Record 1:
Doe, Jane Doe, 1 main street
Record 2:
Doe, John Doe, 1 Main Street

What I what to do is the following:
Doe, Jane Doe, John Doe, 1 Main Street

How do I do this.

What's the context? What result do you want if there are eleven people in the
household? What's the structure of your table? Do you want a new
(non-normalized) table with multiple name fields, or is this for a report?

More info please!


What I'm looking to do is an easy way I can for example:

Take the records sample from below.

For example:

Take the multiple records., and have multiple fields in a table take the
records example: Then delete the duplicate record.

LastName Name 1 Name 2 Address
Doe John Doe Jane Doe 1 Main Street

John W. Vinson

What I'm looking to do is an easy way I can for example:

Take the records sample from below.

For example:

Take the multiple records., and have multiple fields in a table take the
records example: Then delete the duplicate record.

LastName Name 1 Name 2 Address
Doe John Doe Jane Doe 1 Main Street

Assuming - and it's a BIG BIG INVALID UNREASONABLE assumption - that you have
either one or two records, never more, with the same last name and the same
address, you could create a Query by adding your table to the query grid
*twice*. Join LastName to LastName and Address to Address; select the Join
line and choose option 2 - "Show all records in Yourtable and matching records
in Yourtable_1". Put a criterion on Yourtable_1's Name field of

Select the LastName and Address field from the first instance, and the Name
field from each instance.

Note that a table structured as you propose would simply be incorrectly
designed. A household might consist of one person; two people with different
last names (my name is John Vinson, my wife's name is Karen Strickler); might
even consist of five or six people.

John W. Vinson

couldn't you use the fConcatChild function at Access Web and specify the
Address as the parent? I know it's kinda dodgy, but that seems like the
easiest way to get it done.

Well, it appears that the OP wants to denormalize, by turning the Name fields
in two records into two fields in one record. I think it's a Bad Idea but
there may be some good reason to do so.

fConcatChild returns a single text string concatenating the names, which would
have a similar appearance and may meet their needs.

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