Bear with me as i'm not too hot on the technical terms!
I have two tables which i want to link into a query, one
contains company contact details the other properties that
they manage, (one to many?) the problem i have is i can
run a query which displays all the data from the company
contact table but only the first and last property records
on the same line OR i can run a query which lists all the
property records but separately on different lines
repeating all the company contact details.
Ideally want i need to run is a query which puts the
company contact details PLUS the properties (either all in
one column or in seperate columns) all on one line.
Can this be done without me having to get too technical
with modules etc....
Many thanks to whoever answers my plea!
I have two tables which i want to link into a query, one
contains company contact details the other properties that
they manage, (one to many?) the problem i have is i can
run a query which displays all the data from the company
contact table but only the first and last property records
on the same line OR i can run a query which lists all the
property records but separately on different lines
repeating all the company contact details.
Ideally want i need to run is a query which puts the
company contact details PLUS the properties (either all in
one column or in seperate columns) all on one line.
Can this be done without me having to get too technical
with modules etc....
Many thanks to whoever answers my plea!