Combining formulas and results HELP!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter JRH
  • Start date Start date


Thanks, but I'm still stuck?????

The above result of the above formula does not return the same value as
splitting the operation into two.

=E12-(POWER(D12,2)/C12) ---> returns 220
Now, the above returns 220, I need that 220 to complete the second equation.
=SQRT(J1/(C12-1)) ---> =sqrt(220/199)
cell j1=220
cell c12=200

So, How do I combine the result that is being generated in j1 into the
equation in the cell j1 to be all on the same line, rather then two lines.

Thanks -

Operator precedence means that the division in (POWER(D12,2)/C12)/(C12-1)
will happen first instead of what you want which is E12-(POWER(D12,2)/C12)
/ (C12-1), so just wrap the first part in brackets

(E12-(POWER(D12,2)/C12)) / (C12-1)
How can I take two formulas and combine them into one. However, the result
of the one formula is needed in the second formula?
Formula (1) =E12-(POWER(D12,2)/C12) --> this is being written is cell b16,
thus the reason I call it in formula 2
Formula (2)=SQRT(b16/(C12-1))

Thanks greatly!

Just do as I suggested and wrap your first formula in brackets, Then
substitute it for the cell reference you have in the second formula




and replaces the B16 in


to give

- Jeff
Ken Wright said:
Just do as I suggested and wrap your first formula in brackets, Then
substitute it for the cell reference you have in the second formula




and replaces the B16 in


to give


Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

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