combining columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter JOEBRANT
  • Start date Start date


I wan't to combine columns of data in excel. For example column 1 wil
have store names: sears, the 2nd column will have a correspondin
number, 1,2,3 and so on. How do I combine the 2 columns (with a spac
or two between them) to form a new column(3) with data from 1 and 2.
Thank you
How do I combine the 2 columns (with a space
or two between them) to form a new column(3) with data from 1 and 2.

With a formula, e.g.

=A1&" "&B1

in C1. Copy this down as far as required. If you then need to convert the
results to actual values, select the whole column (CTRL+SpaceBar), copy
(CTRL+C), Edit -- Paste Special -- Values -- OK.

I see the site has this:
If you would like to add a space or additional text between cells, enclose
it between >parenthesis(")

I think they meant to say double quotation marks, rather than

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3