I have a spreadsheet that has information on people in it. columns A to C have a name broken down into 3 sections consisting of a title, first name and surname. I then have in columns G, H, and I which is an address that is broken into 3 sections consisting of door number, street name and town.
I have to combine the data in these cells so that all information goes into one cell. The thing is I have a spreadsheet of around 200 rows and i need to run this on each row.
I previously had a macro to do this for me that a friend of mine who i can no longer contact created for me but when i upgraded my computer i lost it. as far as i know the macro moved any highlighted cells data to the first highlighted column.
Sorry to be a bit vague any help is appreciated
I have to combine the data in these cells so that all information goes into one cell. The thing is I have a spreadsheet of around 200 rows and i need to run this on each row.
I previously had a macro to do this for me that a friend of mine who i can no longer contact created for me but when i upgraded my computer i lost it. as far as i know the macro moved any highlighted cells data to the first highlighted column.
Sorry to be a bit vague any help is appreciated