Ok, let's slow down a bit here, because there are some misconceptions being
stipulated here.
The two drives in RAID0 (or any other raid config) do NOT have to be
identical! All that will happen is that the pair's performance will only be
as good as the slower drive. That's all. Otherwise, you can throw any two
HDs into a RAIDO config and it will work. Any capacity, any buffer size,
any speed, whatever, it doesn't matter. Again, the ONLY consequence is that
performance can never be expected to be better than the slowest drive.
Obviously if you're planning to buy new HDs for a RAID config, it only makes
sense to purchase identical drives as a matter of economics.
Even if this wasn't the case, let's just say for the sake of argument you
did have to have IDENTICAL HDs, there's no such thing as two IDENTICAL HDs
anyway. The same model may experience ever so slight differences in
performance. You simply could never guarantee that any two HDs would behave
identically. Therefore, the controller is setup to always "wait" on the
completion of I/O requests from the slowest drive. If one if completed, and
the other is still working on I/O, the controller just waits until BOTH HDs
complete their respective I/Os, then returns.
As far as RAID (spanning, striping, or mirroring) working w/ XP, a hardware
RAID solution, such as using an on-board RAID controller or PCI controller
is INDEPENDENT of ANY OS! All the RAID functions happen at the BIOS level
of the controller. In fact, the controller has its own BIOS and HIDES the
fact that there is a RAID array from everything above it, including any boot
managers, partitions managers, OSes, etc. That's what makes a hardware RAID
controller so COOL! It works with ANYTHING, any utilities, any OSes,
because as far as these things are concerned, the controller present the
array as a single volume (even though the controller knows it may be a group
of drives working together, either spanned, striped, or mirrored) to support
it. Everything but the controller is OBLIVIOUS to the fact that a raid
array even exists.
And to get back to spanning vs. RAID0 (stripping), yes, stripping increases
performance because I/O requests can be split among two drives. However,
because these two HDs are dependent on each other to create a single LOGICAL
volume, if either fails, then you lose EVERYTHING. That's the inherent risk
w/ RAID0 (stripping) vs. spanning. Spanning provides NO performance
benefits whatsoever, it merely provides the CONVENIENCE of dealing w/
multiple HDs as ONE logical volume. Spanning is particularly useful if you
have a lot of SMALL HDs where the alternative might involve having a lot of
individual drive letters for all the partitions on those many drives.
So as long as you understand the risks of RAID0, fine, go for it.