I want to put all rows from the three workbooks into one master
combined worksheet and then sort the combined worksheet. While
retaining all org formatting and eliminating the "0" which seems to
appear when a cell in the source worksheet is blank.
----- Frank Kabel wrote: -----
not quite sure HOW you want to combine them?
- add the values for each cell?
- put parts of the worksheets below each ofther
For the summing procedure enter the following in cell A1
='path\[book1.xls]sheet1'!A1 + 'path\[book2.xls]sheet1'!A1 +
and copy this for all cells
Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany
I have three worksheets in different workbooks with identical
format > but different data. I need to combine the three sheets,
maintain > formatting and be able to sort the combined
worksheet. The "combine" > needs to be automatic by simply
opening the combined workbook. >> Can anyone help?