I need to combine sumif and countif. I am trying to add up data in a an area
say D1:O256 if it matches a criteria. Thats easy. Sumif. Then I want to
divide that number and find the average of the sum. So I would sumif to get
the total and sumifcountif the same area if the cell is greater than 1. Kinda
confusing. Basic example below but I need to to be sum if and an additional
"if" in countif. So the countif needs to be if it matches the requirements
from the sumif. Need some help here. Probably an easy fix. Just lost
say D1:O256 if it matches a criteria. Thats easy. Sumif. Then I want to
divide that number and find the average of the sum. So I would sumif to get
the total and sumifcountif the same area if the cell is greater than 1. Kinda
confusing. Basic example below but I need to to be sum if and an additional
"if" in countif. So the countif needs to be if it matches the requirements
from the sumif. Need some help here. Probably an easy fix. Just lost