combine 4 file into one



I have one excel file. This file consists of Item Number,
Description, Quantity, Unit Cost and Extended Value. I
send this file to 4 users in various locations so they can
open in the MS Excel. The users will count how many
quantity they have for each Item number. The user then
saves and sends the file back to me.

My question is how do I combine four files from 4 users
back into one file with the quantity update and other
fields remain unchanged. For instant, User A count 4 for
the item 12345, User B count 2 for the item 12345, User C
count 1 and User D count 0. How do I combine 4 files from 4
users so the result of quantity count for Item 12345 is 7



Hi Kyle

not sure if this is the best option but as long as no one has inserted or
deleted columns or rows it could work for you
open your originial file and the other four
in the first of the four select the areas that have been updated (use the
control key to select non-adjacent cells) and copy it
then in your original file, click on the first cell of the range you
selected and choose edit / paste special ADD
repeat for the other three files

to speed up the process in the future, before you send the file out to the
four recipients, range name the area that will need to be combined ... then
when you get them back you'll only have to choose the range name, copy &
paste special the results. (feel free to post back if you'ld like more
details on how to do this).

Alternatively, you could check out Data / Consolidation and see if it does
what you want.



If you have information on how to do the range name as you
mention, please provide me with details would be appreciated.


Hi Kyle

to create a range name made up of different cells one one worksheet:
click on the first cell you want
hold down the control key
keeping the control key held down click on the other cells you want ... (be
careful, if you get the wrong cell you have to start all over again!).
when you've selected all the cells let the control key go and click in the
name box (little box above the A column, to the left of the formula bar with
the drop down arrow in it ... don't click on the drop down arrow, just in
the middle of the box itself)
type a name for the selection (no spaces, no symbols other than the _ and
less than 255 characters in length)
press ENTER

now click on cell A1
now click on the name box drop down arrow, you should see the name there ...
click on it and the cells that you "named" will be selected for you.

Hope this helps - let me know how you go.


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