COM vs. dotNet component

  • Thread starter Thread starter KongHu
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Hey there,

Is there any article about the difference between COM and DotNet component ?

I mean Is COM's performance is much better than DotNet component ?


Is there any article about the difference between COM and DotNet component ?

Tons - just do a search on "DotNet COM" on google !
I mean Is COM's performance is much better than DotNet component ?

In general - no. .NET performance is superior, since COM carries a
rather significant overhead with it.

Again - this is just a generalization - in a specific case, this might
not be true.

Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Bern, Switzerland m.scheuner(at)
COM has to go thru registry for everything, and the average registry access time on a healthy computer is about 600 ms, compared with .net's less than 100 ms to load the assembly.
Secondly. .net's assemblies are very small in size, they are just a little bit bigger than your sourcecode, so it doesn't take too much to load them.
Thirdly, for web based apps, .NET has codebehind, versus the interpreted and rather ugly ASP (ok it has com components too, but that is again registry based).

In addition, .net provides you with so much other than just performance that the switch is a no-brainer.

- Sahil Malik
Independent Consultant
You can reach me thru my blog -

Hey there,

Is there any article about the difference between COM and DotNet component ?

I mean Is COM's performance is much better than DotNet component ?

