dejotay said:
I am trying to install a blood clucose meter supplied by Bayer Health Care
wich usually runs in a serial port but now has a USB lead with software.
Ok! USB to serial redirectors are commonplace these days. Be sure to
install any special software before connecting the hardware.
Blackberries use exactly the same kind of software, and often set themselves
up as COM5.
I have installed the program, then the cable all as per instructions. The
meter has 8 usable com ports
You mean, it can use Com 1 through 8?
but one of those (Com 2) is being used by the
So, there are no other physical COM ports built into the system?
When clicking device manager/Ports (Com & LTP)/Communicaltions Port
(Com1)/port settings/advanced/com port numbers I find that there are 256
Yes, you can re-identify these as needed. It's no longer the case that
jumpers need to be set.
When RIGHT clicking on comport numbers there is a narrative under 'whats
this' which says about changing the com port numbers and I am wondering if
have done somtething silly abd destroyed the settings of the individual
Probably not.
The only ports I see (apart from com port 1 and the LTP port)
Do you mean Com 2 for the modem? Or that there is also a COM1 built into
the system?
In that case, you should set the Bayer software, if needed, to be COM 3, or
4, etc. It really doesn't matter otherwise.
is the Bayer
Port and that is only when the meter is plugged in.
Yes. These devices create the port only when the software runs. And the
software should be smart enough to determine what ports are not available
and use the next.
Often, you only need to look at this section of Device Manager to be sure
which port it is that the software has decided to use. You may need to
make *no* changes here.
What I need to do is unrelate the com ports to the meter and start again
that is possible.
Uninstall all related software, reboot, and reinstall, carefully following
the installation directions.
Or do you have a beter solution-I do hope so.
Uninstall the software, reboot. :Look for any references, any Bayer
folders, and delete them, then reboot. Then, carefully re-install the
software attaching the USB device only when directed to by the installer.
Past that, you should contact the unit's support number or link.