Please ignore what I just wrote. Didn't realize you were pointing out
that I could reclaim the port.
: Thanks. I'm not trying to reassign to a different COM port.
: I'm trying to get rid of or free up an invisible COM4 port that
: my Bluetooth dongle has created and Windows reports it is in use.
: ::
:: >Like I said originally, there is no COM4 shown in Device Manager.
:: >Forgot to mention my computer has no physical PS/2, LPT or COM
port -
:: >only the modem has been assigned COM3 prior to adding the Bluetooth
:: >dongle.
:: >
:: >I did a search in the Registry and found COM4 is associated to the
:: >Bluetooth dongle I added - for some unknown reasons it added an
:: >"invisible" COM4 along side COM5 (that I can see listed in Device
:: >Manager).
:: >
:: >How can I remove this COM4? It is not even visible when I tick the
:: >option to show hidden devices in Device Manager.
:: You don't mention how your dongle is attached to your computer.
:: XP has a bug associated with assigning com port addresses to USB
:: devices. Every time the device is connected, it is assigned a
:: higher com port number. In the advanced section of the com port
:: setup in device manager when the device is connected, you can
:: just reassign the port number for the device to a lower port
:: number that you know is not in use, and ignore the windows
:: warning. I've done this with my USB/serial port adapter and XP
:: seems to remember the assigned com port after that. Check the
:: link below for some info.