COM+ or Web Service?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThunderMusic
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I have to connect to a distant DLL (.NET DLL) and I would like to know
which of the COM+ or Web service is the best... What are their pros and
cons? I absolutely don't know how COM+ works, so that's why I can't really

I've seen on the web many people are having trouble using COM+ in .NET. Is
it so difficult to integrate? Are there really bugs or they are just using
it wrong?

btw, I'm using ASP.NET 1.1. (probably C# for a web service if it's the best


Hello ThunderMusic,

It's not correct to compare COM+ and WS. WS like facade, platform-independent
abstraction layer, contract to your system.
COM+ is a heavy set of services designed for enterprise systems. WS may stand
beside COM+ to give acess to enterprise system from outside.

Describe whence and how do u want connect to your DLL?

T> Hi,
T> I have to connect to a distant DLL (.NET DLL) and I would like to
T> know
T> which of the COM+ or Web service is the best... What are their pros
T> and
T> cons? I absolutely don't know how COM+ works, so that's why I can't
T> really compare.
T> I've seen on the web many people are having trouble using COM+ in
T> .NET. Is it so difficult to integrate? Are there really bugs or they
T> are just using it wrong?

Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche
Common question and there is a third option in .NET remoting. However
few would recommend this option today.

In short - Web Services are probably going to be more 'future proof' in
terms of interoperability (especially when WCF/Indigo come along) but
Enterprise Services (COM+) is slightly quicker. This doesn't matter so
much if your calls are 'chunky not chatty'.

Read this great article by Rich Turner and Ingo Rammer on MSDN for the
full lowdown:

I would stay far away from COM+ if I were you. This aging technology is
nearly obsolete, and for good reasons.

Instead you should use Web Services or .NET Remoting. .NET Remoting is
more powerful and efficient than Web Services but could give you more
configuration hassles in complex networking situations.
Well, I'd say it as harsh as Steve does. COM+ is going to be replaced by
Windows Presentation Foundation aka Indigo.

So, for you, the best way would be using Web Services. They are pretty
"easy" to implement and I think, they'll fit your requirements.

Greetings, Peter
I believe you mean Windows Communication Foundation aka Indigo.
Windows Presentation Foundation aka avalon is the new graphics

Going forward, I would lean more towards the .NET remoting solution
over the webservice approach. I have listed several reasons below:

- .NET Remoting is faster and better optimized over webservices
- .NET Remoting will provide an easier route forward, regardless of
whether you switch to Webservices or stick with the higher performing
binary protocol.
- Webservices might not provide an easy way forward.

..NET remoting is straight up faster and more efficient than
webservices. This is true of today anyways. Who knows in the future,
with the speed of webservices coming in leaps and bounds.

Under Indigo, the only difference between a WebService service and a
Indigo Service is a change of configuration files. If you have a .NET
indigo service and later decide to switch it over to a webservice type
application it should be as easy as a config file switch.

If you properly design today for a Remoting Application (following the
interface recommended approach), then the migration path forward for
WCF/Indigo services will be clearer and have more support. Here is a
page talking about the future of .NET remoting.

Webservices may not provide such a supported or easy way forward, then
again, it may as well. Time will tell.

Adam Cooper
Hello John,

Yep, but it fails to be extended declarative and don't support such thind
as context for COM+

JB> Huh?
JB> What?
JB> Remoting is the core idea of WCF (nee Indigo).
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

If it is Intranet than I think that it is a personal preference however a
webservice it easy to make with Net 1.x.

If it is Internet than I think that a webservice in ASPNET 2.0 is the future
way to go. By instance because of security reasons.

If you use for the webservice C# or VB.Net is not so important, just your
preference, they do exactly the same.

Just my idea.

So, right now if you need Transaction, Object Pooling and the ability to use
Queing capability, what other option do you have beside COM+?