COM interoperatability using PInvoke (SEH Exception)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muthiah Samy
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Muthiah Samy

Hi All,

I am trying to call COM Component in .NET using PInvoke.

In the following scenario, ( I am getting an exception called SEH -
External component has thrown an exception)

UnManaged Code
virtual HRESULT IDispatch::GetIDSOfNames(const IID & riid, LPWSTR *
rgizNames, UINT CNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispID)

Managed Code (I have rewritten)


int GetIDsOfNames ([In] System.Guid guid, ref System.String[]
rgNames,[In] System.UInt32 cNames, [In] System.UInt32 lcid,

[Out] out long[] dispID);

Public Test()

AXIDispatch pIScriptDispatch;
String[] wszScriptFunctions = new String[1];
wszScriptFunctions[0] = "entryMethod";
long[] dispIDFunctions = new long[1];

pIScriptHost.GetScriptDispatch (out pIScriptDispatch);
IntPtr p = Marshal.GetIDispatchForObject(pIScriptHost);
IntPtr ppv;
Marshal.QueryInterface(p,ref diug,out ppv);
pIScriptDispatch = (AXUtil.AXIDispatch)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(ppv);

pIScriptDispatch.GetIDsOfNames (guid,ref wszScriptFunctions, 1,
1033, out dispIDFunctions);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString ());


If I execute Test() I will be getting the following Exception for
Invoking "GetIDsOfNames(....)"

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has
thrown an exception.

What could be the reason to get this kind exeception, I don't know
what to do in order to handle it error. Could anyone

kindly help me to solve ? I will greatly appreciate.

Thanks & Regards
R. Muthiah Samy

You should not have to call GetIdsOfNames. If you want to make late
bound calls, you should use reflection instead. What exactly are you trying
to do? Are you indeed trying to make late bound calls?