COM+ activation error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vidhya
  • Start date Start date


Please direct me to an appropriate newsgroup if this is
not the right place for my question.

I installed a .NET application (servicedcomponents) in
COM+. The component is setup for object pooling (min 2,
max 5). I get the following error after making a few
calls to the COM+ component. Initial few calls are
successful. I am not sure what I need to do to prevent

HRESULT: -2147164124
Description:COM+ activation failed because the activation
could not be completed in the specified amount of time.

Please let me know if more information is required.

Please direct me to an appropriate newsgroup if this is
not the right place for my question.

I installed a .NET application (servicedcomponents) in
COM+. The component is setup for object pooling (min 2,
max 5). I get the following error after making a few
calls to the COM+ component. Initial few calls are
successful. I am not sure what I need to do to prevent

HRESULT: -2147164124
Description:COM+ activation failed because the activation
could not be completed in the specified amount of time.

Sounds like you're not properly releasing objects (by disposing them or
calling ServicedComponent). This is critical with pooled components, because
if you max out the number of object instances, then further activations will
wait until at least one of them is released or untilk a given timeout (which
is what's happening to you, form what it looks like).

One easy way to diagnose this is to enable events and statistics on the
component (by using the EventTrackingEnabled attribute or setting the option
in the COM+ component services MMC snapin, and then see how activations are
Thanks for the response.

I changed the code to release the objects. Everything is
working good now when I am using a .NET client
application running in the same machine as the server. I
still have the same issue when I try to release the
objects from a VB client. I have a VB6 client, a
small .NET remoting client serving objects to the VB
client, a publisher application on the server that
publishes the serviced component for remoting. The VB
Client uses interop to communicate to the
servicedcomponent and the .NET client that serves the
objects. The .NET client has the code to release the
serviced component. Do you see anything wrong with our
approach? Could you suggest something?

i faced a similar problem recently. it was because i had
already made com+ service to run. to solve this i deleted
the service and ran the application again and it
reinstalled the com+ service and worked.

another possibility could be wether it is a library
activated service or a server activated service. u need to
make the right choice depending upon the kind of service u
would need.
