Column Width

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Q
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Mike Q

I have a report that generates data in six columns. The
first column contains chemical names and the remaining
columns report results for the analyzed chemicals by
date. Example

Chemical | Date1 | Date2 | Date3 etc....
xxxxx | 23 | 47 | 2
zzzzz | 13 | 25 | 30

The problem is the Chemical names can be rather long and I
want to size the first column without having the remaining
cloumns be the same size. Is there a way to specify
individual column width.

Mike said:
I have a report that generates data in six columns. The
first column contains chemical names and the remaining
columns report results for the analyzed chemicals by
date. Example

Chemical | Date1 | Date2 | Date3 etc....
xxxxx | 23 | 47 | 2
zzzzz | 13 | 25 | 30

The problem is the Chemical names can be rather long and I
want to size the first column without having the remaining
cloumns be the same size. Is there a way to specify
individual column width.

You have not provided enough information about the report's
Record Source table/query.

If your table structure is such that each chemical record
has a separate column for each date's analysis (a very bad
design), the report would be done one way.

If your data is properly normalized (with a one to many
relationship from a chemical to an analysis table), then it
could be done a couple of other ways. Most likely, a
crosstab query could be constructed to do it. In other
cases you might need to do something like the technique
described in;en-us;208491