I'm trying to create a combination of a column and scatter graph. I ca
create both individually without a problem. But when I try and combin
them I have problems with the scale of the x axis.
The scatter graph bit looks as it should, but the columns are crunche
up to the left of the graph. I believe its something to do with th
scatter graph using the actual values while the column chart i
treating it as something else. (Sorry its so hard to explain - I thin
I'm refering to a similar difference that exists between scatter an
line graphs and how they treat the x axis value).
I basically want each column of the chart to line up with th
corrosponding point of the scattergraph. Is this even possible?
(A picture of how it looks is below).
If this isn't possible - could you suggest the best way to represen
the data (perhaps one graph below the other?).
Attachment filename: graph.gif
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=40589
I'm trying to create a combination of a column and scatter graph. I ca
create both individually without a problem. But when I try and combin
them I have problems with the scale of the x axis.
The scatter graph bit looks as it should, but the columns are crunche
up to the left of the graph. I believe its something to do with th
scatter graph using the actual values while the column chart i
treating it as something else. (Sorry its so hard to explain - I thin
I'm refering to a similar difference that exists between scatter an
line graphs and how they treat the x axis value).
I basically want each column of the chart to line up with th
corrosponding point of the scattergraph. Is this even possible?
(A picture of how it looks is below).
If this isn't possible - could you suggest the best way to represen
the data (perhaps one graph below the other?).
Attachment filename: graph.gif
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=40589