Column chart with 3 orders of magnitude

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteveG
  • Start date Start date


I would like to build a column chart with 3 orders of magnitude.

I envisage this as two series plotted as columns in three parts

1) A Y-axis with Y-max = 100 and say 3 X-labels followed by
2) A change of scale with another Y-axis with Y-max = 10 and another 3

and now it gets difficult ...

3) yet another another change of scale with a Y-axis with Y-max = 1
and another 3 x-labels.

Is it possible to draw dummy y-axes on a column chart?

I tried this but it only seems to work with line or scatter charts.

I might convert my columns into 'lollipops' with markers on vertical
error bars and add an false x-axis for labels. I think this will be
ok with Jon's technique.

(This does seem a long way round though. Why doesn't Excel
incorporate some of these more complex charts? Surely there has been
enough material on Forums to steer MS to cover new ground.)

