Paul MR
Word 2000 and I am not very experienced. I wrote a 78-page document
with 2 columns on each page. Where column breaks were absolutely
critical, I inserted a hard column break. Otherwise (like in the middle
of a paragraph), I just let the text continue or else put a couple of
hard returns at the end of paragraphs.
I e-mailed the document to a friend for proof reading. When he opened
it on his computer many of the soft column breaks had shifted, making
the whole document screwy (i.e. some of the hard breaks were just two or
three lines from the top of the column, resulting in a basically empty
column.) On my computer, the breaks are still where they should be.
(1) What caused this shifting?
(2) Most importantly, when I take the doc on a disk to Kinkos for
printing, how can I guarantee that the shifting won't happen there too?
Paul in San Francisco
with 2 columns on each page. Where column breaks were absolutely
critical, I inserted a hard column break. Otherwise (like in the middle
of a paragraph), I just let the text continue or else put a couple of
hard returns at the end of paragraphs.
I e-mailed the document to a friend for proof reading. When he opened
it on his computer many of the soft column breaks had shifted, making
the whole document screwy (i.e. some of the hard breaks were just two or
three lines from the top of the column, resulting in a basically empty
column.) On my computer, the breaks are still where they should be.
(1) What caused this shifting?
(2) Most importantly, when I take the doc on a disk to Kinkos for
printing, how can I guarantee that the shifting won't happen there too?
Paul in San Francisco