When I am doing a Cash Flow from time to time the result in the final (Final
Balance) column is a negative one, e.g. -£500.00 To make it more noticeable
I change the colour from black to read for that one cell.
Is there a way of programming the Excel process, so that the negative
balances are always automatically shown in read? If there is could that
process be applied to other worksheets, where negative balances appear from
time to time e.g. Use of Energy? There is nothing I can see in the Index in
my book on Excel 2003.
If there is a way of programming please give me the instructions in a
detailed, step by step way. Thank you.
Balance) column is a negative one, e.g. -£500.00 To make it more noticeable
I change the colour from black to read for that one cell.
Is there a way of programming the Excel process, so that the negative
balances are always automatically shown in read? If there is could that
process be applied to other worksheets, where negative balances appear from
time to time e.g. Use of Energy? There is nothing I can see in the Index in
my book on Excel 2003.
If there is a way of programming please give me the instructions in a
detailed, step by step way. Thank you.