Colour One cell with two colors

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muffi Zainu
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Muffi Zainu

I want to know how to :

1. Colour One cell with two colours… the top half in one, and the bottom in
if you are talking background color. can't be done. sorry.
you can have 2 or more font colors in a cell but text only. not numbers or

With Excel 2007 you could use Format --> Cells --> Fill and use the "Fill
Effects" option to set a cell to use shading with one color for the upper
half and a second color for the bottom half. But there is not a well-defined
border between the 2 colors; one fades into the other.

This feature is not available in Excel 2003 and earlier versions.
Thanks alot JLatham. This really helps. The Shading is a bit annoying,
but atleast I can get my job done!! :)

Thanks again