Colour barcode system to hit DVDs


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
How cool is this!

A colour barcode system holding more data than current codes will find its way onto DVDs later this year.
The four and eight-colour geometric patterns can hold up to two-pages of data, double the amount of traditional black and white, striped barcodes

Developed by Microsoft, it is one of a number of competing products hoping to find their way onto packaging. Microsoft has said consumers could interact with the new barcodes, using webcams and mobile phones with cameras, Because the barcode can be read by mobile phone cameras it can be used to connect the packaging to the online world


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It doesn't looks like it would store 3,500 bytes of data per sq inch does it? I'd be interested to see what they can do with it, as it seems a bit gimmicky at the moment, but perhaps it has some uses I can't think of.
Ian Cunningham said:
Paying by phone, now that is a good idea!
err, I'll use Money, I need my phone for phone calls. ;)

It's all about countering counterfeiters ... :D

DRM anybody ... :p
big fan of cash in hand ;), although i went shopping yesterday spent a hideous amount on clothes etc and used just my debit card which i reckon is safer than me walking around with £300

Edit: thats way off topic, lol

whats wrong with the old style barcodes ? surely they are easier to read coz they are just black lines ?
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PotGuy said:
There is no real need for this, it's just pointless. More revenue for M$.
PG, you sometime make "comments" like this just for the sake of it ... if you have done any reading, you will find that the "industry" have been looking for an alternative to the present system, especially in commercial audiovisual works such as motion pictures, video games, broadcasts, digital video recordings and other media.

It is in MS's own interest as their "media" is distributed on a DVD/CD ... ;)

Microsoft were only one company competing for this standard.

May I point out, the number one priority of any business, is, to make a profit.
