Coloring a certian Column in a Datasheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
  • Start date Start date


Can you Color a selected column in a datasheet view. I would like to be
able to color a column in a datasheet to show the user which column is
required as an input and which ones are optional.
I doubt that you can colour a single Column in the DatasheetView of the
Table / Query or even the DatasheetView of a Form since Datasheets are meant
for testing / checking only.

You can, of course, create a Form in ContinuousFormView that looks like a
Datasheet and colour a particular Control (which will appears as a Column in
the ContinuousFormView). You can even use the Conditional Format if you
Can you Color a selected column in a datasheet view. I would like to be
able to color a column in a datasheet to show the user which column is
required as an input and which ones are optional.

The table datasheet should not be used for data entry anyway.
The table is for data storage.

If you must display the data as a datasheet, use a Form set to
Datasheet view. Now you have some control over the appearance and the
entry of data.

Just set that control's BackColor to whatever you want.
If you are using Access 2000 or later, you can even change colors only
when a particular field in record is blank.

But use a Form (in Datasheet View, if you must) for data entry, not
the table.
Hi Stephen

I was thinking of the normal format for "Controls" on a Form in

Now you mentioned it, I guess I can make the Condition always True and use
the Conditional Fomatting

Many thanks for reminding me (I have a mental block on this).
