Coloring a cell with if statement ...

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I am trying to come up with a visual warning in my Excel tracking
inventories, the condition and requirement as an example is:

Cell column F is the current inventories
Cell column J is the run rate of sales
Cell column E is where I want to use color instead of text to track

logical condition are

If column F < (column J * 0.6) then E column will be color yellow
If column F > column J then E column will be color Red
Else column E is white

Cna anyone helps?

Thanks in advance

Try Conditional Formatting from the Menu.
Choos Format | Conditional Formatting and create up to 3 conditions.
you work with only 2 so that is OK.

Also take a peek at my website :

Excellent Files | Tips | Functula's

form ore on Conditional Formatting.


More Excel ? or (e-mail address removed)