Does anyone know what RGB or CYMK color value is equivalent to the
color of "photo cyan" or "photo magenta" as used in 6 (or more) color
printers that use those inks? And would Canon's "photo magenta" be
expected to be the same as Epson's or HP's?
Or in another way of looking at it, if I created a block of solid color
in a Photoshop image, what RGB or CYMK value would I assign so that it
would print out using a single "photo" inks and no other inks?
I would speculate that "photo magenta" is something like 50% magenta
(C0, Y0, M50, K0) but I am looking for actual technical specs.
color of "photo cyan" or "photo magenta" as used in 6 (or more) color
printers that use those inks? And would Canon's "photo magenta" be
expected to be the same as Epson's or HP's?
Or in another way of looking at it, if I created a block of solid color
in a Photoshop image, what RGB or CYMK value would I assign so that it
would print out using a single "photo" inks and no other inks?
I would speculate that "photo magenta" is something like 50% magenta
(C0, Y0, M50, K0) but I am looking for actual technical specs.