It worked! It took away all clouds over me!!!
Careful now ... when you're floating at these altitudes it's easy to
get a
sunburn. Mom says "Wear your hat." ;-)
One thing that didn't change is, with a master slide open, a blue box
color scheme stays with the original scheme. It moves to the new
color scheme
only when I select 'Apply to all slides'. -- I guess this is how it
is set.
Right? If not, let me know.
Let me restate that and explain what's supposed to happen:
When you're in Slide Master view and click a master, a blue box appears
the scheme that's currently applied to that master.
If you click a different scheme, it applies that scheme to the selected
only; if you choose Apply to all Masters ... you guessed it, the scheme
applied to all of the slide masters.
Does that fit what you're seeing?
If it is not too much to ask, appreciate if you could email me as I
get any notifications whatsoever even if I request them. I just came
in to
see if any other replies and found yours.
Unfortunately the "email me" feature is broken and we don't do private
ourselves ... that takes away a lot of the value of a group like this.
This explains more and suggests some better ways to collect messages
The PowerPoint Newsgroup
Thanks again for your help. You both are really great!
And [after a phone confab with Echo] yet more follow up.
I didn't realize that you were getting odd results on newly
charts. My mistake ... sorry. And ignore the previous reply.
delusional ranting maniac took over my computer when I wasn't
Most likely your default chart has been set to something odd.
In 2003 and previous, try this:
Doubleclick the chart (any chart) to activate it.
On the main menu bar, choose Chart | Chart Type
In the chart type dialog box, make sure you're on the Standard
Choose whatever chart type you'd like as your default, then click
as default chart" (button at bottom of dialog box)
Click OK.
New charts should now be the normal PPT default colors and so on.
Give that a shot, let us know how it works out.
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PPTools add-ins for PowerPoint
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PPTools add-ins for PowerPoint