Woody Splawn
I have been assiging a background color to a grid in design mode. The color
name I have been using is Control. On my machine the Control color is a
kind of light grey. Now I want to assign the color in code but the code
does not recognize color.control. It only recognizes things like color.grey
or color.lightgrey. Is there a chart somewhere or a knowledgebase article
that will help so that I don't have to hunt and peck at what the color
equivelent of Control is?
name I have been using is Control. On my machine the Control color is a
kind of light grey. Now I want to assign the color in code but the code
does not recognize color.control. It only recognizes things like color.grey
or color.lightgrey. Is there a chart somewhere or a knowledgebase article
that will help so that I don't have to hunt and peck at what the color
equivelent of Control is?