Color Printing

  • Thread starter Thread starter etf
  • Start date Start date


Our template has a dark blue background which works great
when projected but not when printed in color. "People
can't take notes, printing takes too long, uses too much
ink." Anyone else have this issue and maybe a solution?
It depends on how the background was set. If it's just a background color,
print it in grayscale or pure black and white. If that doesn't work, let us
know how the background is set in the Master and we'll offer other
suggestions - - for example if it's an image.
It needs to be printed in color. I can apply a new
template with a white background, but there is no
foolproof macro to change chart colors...
Instead of doing that, I would save the presentation to a new name. Then go to
View > Master > Slide Master and then to Format > Background and set it to white
and click on Apply All. Then you can print in color with a white background.
When finished, trash the new copy so that you don't get confused about what it
was for. If you want, you don't even have to make a "safety copy". Just open
the presentation, change the background as described and print. Then close the
presentation. When it asks if you want to save it, be sure to say "NO".
You also need to go into the master color scheme and
change the text color to black. It seems to work! Thanks