color pallette in powerpoint?

  • Thread starter Thread starter howldog
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I have just finished designing a powerpoint template for a corporate

I used several custom RGB colors for bullets and subheads, things like

the marketing president is concerned that when the marketers and field
reps begin making presentations using the template, the custom colors
i used, wont be the default available in the little color window.
Thus, each individual user may begin to accidentally introduce
different color text and bullets into their own presentation.

Is there any way to make a template "force" the available colors to be
exactly the ones I specify?

thanks for any help
I think the marketing president is pretty smart. If the users use the
placeholders to add their text, and you formatted the bullets on the
placeholder on the slide master, then those colors should apply. If they're
adding bullets to their ad hoc "manual" textboxes, or even just trying to
fill shapes to match the corporate guidelines and such, they'd be better off
having a color scheme to work with.

Really, you should set up a slide color scheme so that users have the
appropriate colors available, otherwise it's just hit or miss. There's
information about color schemes and how they work here:
In addition to what Echo said, what happens in the little color window depends
on which one(s) you're talking about.

If it's, for example, the Fill, Outline or Text ones on the drawing toolbar at
the bottom of the screen, you're liable to see several different rows of color
chips there. The upper row represents the scheme colors. You can control
these by editing the color scheme. Hover the mouse over them to get a pretty
good idea of what they're called and what the scheme colors apply to (e.g.
Title text, etc.)

The second row, however, is outside your control. That is, you can force it to
contain certain colors when the user starts working with the presentation but
after that, every time they choose a new custom color, that gets added to the
second row and one of your "presets" gets knocked off.

thanks for both of your replies

do the users have to load the color scheme, or if i build the template
and apply the color scheme to the template, will it automatically show
the preferred colors in the first row, even if we are converting an
old presentation via applying the new template?
thanks to all of you, very helpful

The color scheme isn't an independent file ... it's part of the template.

I'm sure PPT can come up with some way of making a liar of me but near's I can
tell, applying the template should do the job for you ... it'll change the colors
in the first row and any shapes in the file that've had those colors applied to
them will also change on the slides.

Think of a scheme as a table:

Color RGB Value
1 10,20,30
2 100,200,100

When you apply a scheme color instead of a custom color, PPT interally applies
ColorScheme1 for example, instead of a literal color. When it displays the shape,
it looks up the RGB value for Color1 and uses it.

By changing the scheme, you're changing the RGB values for the colors in the table
so now when PPT looks up Color1, it finds different RGB values. And uses them

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Live and in personable in the Help Center at PowerPoint Live
Sept 21-24, San Diego CA, USA