Color Me Red

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yrrep
  • Start date Start date


Range Average
200.0 46.0
500.0 120.0
3900.0 1733.0
950.0 485.0
3000 3317.0
4.8 4.0
2.0 1.2
136.0 87.1
40.0 17.2
need some way to color column B red, if greater than column A

I tried to conditional format but when I copy down it don't work

There are actually 63 rows and 43 columns.
Try highlighting all the Cells in Column B then perform your conditional
formating again. You can not copy and paste this function.
When I try to select all of column B and CF then "greater than", then select
all column A, then color red
I get "cannot use direct reference to a worksheet range in a conditional
format formula."
Put your cursor in cell B2 and go to Conditional Formatting. Choose greater
than and then select cell A2 as the one to compare to. Then select Format
and choose the Pattern red.

If you look at the box to the right of the greater than option you'll see it
reads =$A$2. Remove the dollar sign before the 2 and hit OK. Then copy this
cell all the way down to the end of the data you are formatting.
Apply the conditional formatting. Then go back into that cell and look at
the formula to the right of the "greater than" option. It will look
something like: =$A$2. Remove the "$" before the 2. Now you can paste it
all the way down.
Assuming that your number start at A2 to A4 and B2 to B4 try this
Highlight B2 to B4, then go to conditional formatting and select "Cell is",
"Equal greaterthan", Select A2 to A4 then choose your format (red).
thanks tech1 NJ from yrrep also in NJ

when I do what you suggest I get the following error message

cannot use direct reference to a worksheet range in a conditional format

Change reference to a single cell, or use reference with a worksheet
function as =sum(a1:e5)

the only way I can get it to work is to do each row one at a time, that 84

thanks Microsoft