Color Coding certain entries on a form/table




I have an interesting issue-- I have a table that lists all schools in New
York City. Some of these schools are certain types of school. When we're
doing data entry, we would love for these special schools to be color coded.
I've tried simple formating in the table, but this then applies to all
schools, not just a certain type of school. Any ideas about how to do this?
We want to make it very apparent during data entry which are the regular
schools and which are the special schools. My only other idea is adding an
asterik to the ends of the special school's code, but this is not as obvious
as doing a special color.



Hi Lauries

I assume that you have some method of recording if a school is of a certain

So if the field was called [SchoolType]

You could apply conditional formating to this field on your form.

Open the form in design view. Select [SchoolType] (or whatever the name).
At the top of the form your will see the Format option. Open this and select
condidtional formating to this field.

ie. Field Contains - Special then you could colour this yellow and
bold italic the font. etc, etc.

Hope this helps

Oh and you can use this formating in your report too.

Steve Schapel


In design view of your form, select the control you want the coloring to
apply to, and then select Conditional Formatting from the Format menu.
Just proceed from there to set up your rerquired color coding
conditions. If you need more exlicit help, you will need to explain the
meaning of "certain types of school", and say how you know (i.e.
according to which data) whether a school is a "certain type" or not.


Look up conditional formating. Although it will only give you 3
alternative colors plus the default black and white.

If you normalized your data to include a school table and had the
special code as a code or check box - I would suggest the code, then
use a dropdown for the filed and have that query pull in that code as
say the 2nd or 3rd field , the conditional formating can look at that
part and change the color appropriately.

Something like

[schoolcombobox.column(3)] = "red" as the condition and have red as the
bacground color.

The colmuns on comboboxes are counted from 0. First column is column(0)
second is (1), etc.



Hello All,

I have a school table that lists all schools, then a column named "Special
School?" If the school is a special school, this column says "Yes" and if
not, "No." When doing data entry, I want the name of the school (Column:
School Name) to be red, otherwise, not. So I have to write an expression that
colors the school name if the "Special School?" column says "yes."

Any ideas?



Hello All,

I have a school table that lists all schools, then a column named "Special
School?" If the school is a special school, this column says "Yes" and if
not, "No." When doing data entry, I want the name of the school (Column:
School Name) to be red, otherwise, not. So I have to write an expression that
colors the school name if the "Special School?" column says "yes."

Any ideas?


Steve Schapel


So, the Expression you would use, in the Conditional Formatting for the
School Name control, would be like this...
[Special School?]="yes"

By the way, not a good idea to use a ? as part of the name of a field or

Steve Schapel


To give a more full response...

I have assumed you are using a form for your data entry. This is where
you would apply the Conditional Formatting that has been recommended to
you. It seeems, however, that your posts are referring to your tables.
Since Access tables are not usually seen in production scenarios, as
their purpose is data storage and normally in the background, the
appearance of the data is usually not important, and formatting
functionality is limited.

I have also assumed that the Special School field is included in the
table or query that the form is based on. It now appears, from your
post elsewhere, that this may not be the case. If it is one of the
columns included in the Row Source of the School Name combobox (is that
what you mean by "drop down menu?") used for entry of the School Name
itslef on the form, then you can reference the Column property of the
combobox. To achieve this, you can set the properties of the combobox
so that the Special School field is included. For example, if the
School List table has the School Name as the first field, and Special
School as the second field, yopu would set the Column Count property of
the combobox to 2. Then, the Conditional Formatting expression would be
like this...
[School Name].[Column](1)="yes"

Another assumption is that the Special School field is a text data type.
If you intended to say that it is a Yes/No data type, the expression
would be...
[School Name].[Column](1)=Yes

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