This procedure will change the patterns based on a + / - 10,000 condition:
Sub ChangePatterns()
Dim Cht As Chart
Dim Srs As Series
Dim Pts As Points
Set Cht = ActiveChart
Set Srs = Cht.SeriesCollection(1)
Set Pts = Srs.Points
Cnt = 1
For Each Pt In Srs.Values
'Sales greater than 10000
If Pt > 10000 Then
With Selection
.Fill.Visible = True
.Fill.Patterned Pattern:=msoPatternWideUpwardDiagonal
.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 42
.Fill.BackColor.SchemeColor = 34
End With
'Sales less than or equal to 10000
ElseIf Pt <= 10000 Then
With Selection
.Fill.Visible = True
.Fill.Patterned Pattern:=msoPatternLightHorizontal
.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 45
.Fill.BackColor.SchemeColor = 28
End With
End If
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next Pt
End Sub
I may not be understanding what your wanting. Hopefully this helps.