How do I color balance using Analog Gain (AG)?
What I mean is this:
Given an area of color, say R=12, G=23, B=45, what AG setting I have
to apply to get, say, R=56, G=78, B=23? (These are totally arbitrary
numbers just as an example.)
I can come up with values by experimentation and trial and error, but
that's both too time consuming and inexact.
AG ranges (in my case) between -2 and +2 while an individual color (in
my case) is 8-bit so it ranges between 0 and 255. Is this a linear
conversion? Again, I can experiment, but why re-invent the wheel...
So, what is the conversion formula?
Finally, any hidden gotchas with this approach?
Thanks as always!
What I mean is this:
Given an area of color, say R=12, G=23, B=45, what AG setting I have
to apply to get, say, R=56, G=78, B=23? (These are totally arbitrary
numbers just as an example.)
I can come up with values by experimentation and trial and error, but
that's both too time consuming and inexact.
AG ranges (in my case) between -2 and +2 while an individual color (in
my case) is 8-bit so it ranges between 0 and 255. Is this a linear
conversion? Again, I can experiment, but why re-invent the wheel...
So, what is the conversion formula?
Finally, any hidden gotchas with this approach?
Thanks as always!