Collection Pane Problem

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When I drag several video clips into the collections pane only one is
displayed. I created two screen shots of the problem and they can be viewed

The first screen shot mm 1.0.1377.0 is on a PC running ME with Movie Maker
version 1.0.1337.0 which works fine.

The second screen shot mm 5.1 is on a PC running XP Version 5.1.2600 Service
Pack 2 Build 2600 with Movie Maker version 5.1 (Build
2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158 : Service Pack 2) this is the one with the
collections pane problem.

As you can see the video clips COPYCD, MDLIB, and NUSKIN all show up in the
far left collections pane but only one is ever displayed in middle collection
pane. This used to work fine just like the ME PC and I suspect one of the
countless XP software updates changed something. I have seen several posts on
the web about this but no answer other than buying new video software.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm a little confused here, but let's see if I've got it.
To start MM doesn't go to 5.1, only 2.1, 5.1 is the windows version.

The far left pane are the collections folders, not clips. At present you are
showing what is inside the Nuskin folder. If you click on copycd you should
see different clips. This section is a "mini windows explorer".

Now looking at the first clip in the MM1 set, it looks like it is the same
as the only clip in the MM2.1 middle frame. It may well be that MM2.1 has
not cut it up into 3 clips like MM1 has. If you drag it to the preview
window and go to the end, is it the same frame as the last frame of the
third clip in MM1? If so all the movie is there, but just in 1 clip and not

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn
You are not losing it !!! I posted the same qestion mine does the SAME
thing. Pain in the butt isnt it???