Collapsing rows



I am writing categories of data (a category covers several rows) to an Excel
sheet, one category after another. I would like to collapse the rows
containing a category when all category data are entered. So the question is
how to programmatically collapse a number of rows after filling them with



Range("A10").Resize(8).EntireRow.Hidden = True

just to demo:

? Range("A10").Resize(8).EntireRow.Address

or maybe something like

ActiveCell.offset(-7,0).Resize(7).EntireRow.Hidden = True

demo'd again:
? activeCell.Address
? ActiveCell.offset(-7,0).Resize(7).EntireRow.Address

so I am sitting in cell A19 after making 7 entries in cells A12:A18. Run
the macro and they are hidden and I begin the new category in A19.

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