collapsible lists



3 part question:
1. If collapsible lists don't work in netscape navigator, what do you see?
The whole
list expanded? Or just the Parent headings?
2. Can you place links inside the collapsed portion? (Can a visitor expand
the list
then click on a list in the now-visible line of text?)
3. Can search engines "see" the stuff inside the collapsed areas?
(Especially links?)


CORRECTION: #2 Should read: (Can a visitor expand the list and then click on a
LINK (Not list) in the now-visible line of text?

Jens Peter Karlsen[FP MVP]

1. Depends on if the list is set to be initially open or closed and the
version of Frontpage used. In FP2003 the function is changed such that
the expanded list always is shown in non IE browsers.

2. Yes

3. Yes

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.


Here's How: And it is a COOL effect:
1. Create a multilevel bulleted list (type out each line of the outline, all
lined up to the left margin. Then indent the lines you want to "move over" or
collapse by highlighting them/selecting them, then using the "Increase
Indent"--push button twice) This sets up the list how you want it to appear
2.Highlite or select the ENTIRE list. Right-clik it. You will get a list
properties box.
3. Plain bullets>enable collapsible>initially collapsed>OK
4. Check if it functions in preview view only.
Should work. Good luck!


Very Cool Thank you but I am having problems with it.

In FP03 in preview it will expand. When previewed in IEv6 it will not.
Also I try adding Hyperlinks and they don't work in both FP preview nor IE.
Tried 1st with sharded borders, then as a regular website and in both the
links didn't work. What am I missing.

Thanks for your help very - cool if I can get it to work.


Thank you for the offer. Out of time today but will play again with it on
Wednesday. Then post details if I can not get it to work.
Thanks again!

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