Collapsible lists


Jane Here

How do you get a collapsible list to use different bullets depending upon
the level. There is an example in Jim Buyens book on FP2003 pg 223 that
shows a dark dot for top level and an open dot for second level.

How can I set a list to do this? Mine only has closed dots for both.

Also, he says that collapsible lists don't work for Netscape. Is there an
alternative that will work for IE and Netscape?

Jon Spivey

Hi Jane,

You can set the bullets with CSS, eg
list-style-type: disc;
ul ul{
list-style-type: circle;

Try this out - values for list style type are disc(open dot) circle(closed
dot) or square.

Jim Buyens

Jane Here said:
How do you get a collapsible list to use different bullets depending upon
the level. There is an example in Jim Buyens book on FP2003 pg 223 that
shows a dark dot for top level and an open dot for second level.

How can I set a list to do this? Mine only has closed dots for both.

The trick is to click inside the list you want to change. So, if your
list structure contained:

o breakfast
o bacon
o eggs
o lunch
o sandwich
o burger

and you wanted to change the breakfast and lunch bullets, you would
right-click breakfast or lunch, and then choose List Properties.

If you want to change the bacon and eggs bullets, you would
right-click bacon or eggs, and then choose List Properties.
Also, he says that collapsible lists don't work for Netscape. Is there an
alternative that will work for IE and Netscape?

Search google for:

treeview javascript

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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