Collapse threads

  • Thread starter Thread starter Miles
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Others have reported that the "expand ALL" function works in Mozilla--I
don't know if you can reverse an individual expansion by using that

I know this web mechanism doesn't work properly in Mozilla. Microsoft has a
newer web forum access method which is in use for public groups, but which
can't be used for this beta for some technical reason.

There is information about how to access these groups via NNTP and a
newsreader or email client which many people find preferable--in the top
panel--scroll down to see it.
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

Reading this NG in Mozilla 1.7.3 via Microsoft page:

Originally I opened the theads by clicking on that entry in
the Subject line. Now cannot find a method to collapse
them! Have closed Moz and reopened with same results.

Any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks, I'll check out the method you mention. FYI, after
expanding the threads, that entry no longer appears.
Good luck. I don't have such a browser here at home to test with, but I can
test with one via Remote Desktop--and maybe I should before giving more
advice about this.
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

Thanks, I'll check out the method you mention. FYI, after
expanding the threads, that entry no longer appears.
-----Original Message-----
Others have reported that the "expand ALL" function works in Mozilla--I
don't know if you can reverse an individual expansion by using that

I know this web mechanism doesn't work properly in Mozilla. Microsoft has a
newer web forum access method which is in use for public groups, but which
can't be used for this beta for some technical reason.

There is information about how to access these groups via NNTP and a
newsreader or email client which many people find preferable--in the top
panel--scroll down to see it.
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

Reading this NG in Mozilla 1.7.3 via Microsoft page:

Also I might add that clicking on the plus square next to a
thread does not expand that one group, hence limiting the
action to expand all.
As far as I know, Miles--the limitation with this interface and Mozilla is
that you must use expand all. It is a toggle, so you can collapse all as
well. Actually, I didn't know you could expand by clicking on the
subject--I wonder if it is a case of the "hot" location being slightly off
from the box somehow, and you found it by accident?

As I mentioned--the newer interface used in public groups doesn't have this
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

-----Original Message-----
Others have reported that the "expand ALL" function works in Mozilla--I
don't know if you can reverse an individual expansion by using that

I know this web mechanism doesn't work properly in Mozilla. Microsoft has a
newer web forum access method which is in use for public groups, but which
can't be used for this beta for some technical reason.

There is information about how to access these groups via NNTP and a
newsreader or email client which many people find preferable--in the top
panel--scroll down to see it.
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

Reading this NG in Mozilla 1.7.3 via Microsoft page:

Also I might add that clicking on the plus square next to a
thread does not expand that one group, hence limiting the
action to expand all.