Java has its collaborative blog in www.javablog.com. I would like to
invite .NET programmers and enthusisasts to create your own tech blog
at http://www.funchain.com.
Built entirely on .NET, it is ideal to start a similar community
online. Feel free to register and create your own techie blog. What's
nice about Funchain is that members can "connect" their blogs so you
see the entries of your friends in your own blog channel.
Try it out!
invite .NET programmers and enthusisasts to create your own tech blog
at http://www.funchain.com.
Built entirely on .NET, it is ideal to start a similar community
online. Feel free to register and create your own techie blog. What's
nice about Funchain is that members can "connect" their blogs so you
see the entries of your friends in your own blog channel.
Try it out!