CoInitialise has not been called? Attempt to use OleSetClipboard.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin Tucker
  • Start date Start date

Robin Tucker

I need to use OleSetClipboard in my VB.NET application. Unfortunately, when
I do the result returned is -2147221008 (CoInitialise has not been called).
As I am using OleSetClipboard from a thread I've created, I was under the
impression that .NET automatically called CoInitialise the first time I used
a COM object in that thread. Is this the case? What other reason can there
be for this problem?

Thanks for any help you can give (here is the code I use to import
OleSetClipboard - note COM.IDataObject is my VB wrapper around

Public Declare Auto Function OleSetClipboard Lib "OLE32.DLL" _
(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByVal theDataObject As
COM.IDataObject) As Integer

What happens when you do call CoInitialize()? It is my understanding that it
does not in personally-created threads. You may still have to introduce that
thread to a particular apartment first.
I just tried it with:

m_ComInitialized = DLLImports.CoInitializeEx(0,

Which returns zero (which I believe is S_OK).

BUT: this still results in "CoInitialize has not been called." HRESULT from
the OleSetClipboard. Note: my application is bracketed with <STAThread()> _
and my thread is created like this (ie. I do not specify an apartment model,
as I'm not to sure what it needs to be).

m_Thread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf _Start))
If m_Thread Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
As I am using OleSetClipboard from a thread I've created, I was under the
impression that .NET automatically called CoInitialise the first time I used
a COM object in that thread. Is this the case?

By default it makes it an MTA thread. Make sure you set the thread's
ApartmentState property to STA before starting the thread.
