Robin Tucker
I need to use OleSetClipboard in my VB.NET application. Unfortunately, when
I do the result returned is -2147221008 (CoInitialise has not been called).
As I am using OleSetClipboard from a thread I've created, I was under the
impression that .NET automatically called CoInitialise the first time I used
a COM object in that thread. Is this the case? What other reason can there
be for this problem?
Thanks for any help you can give (here is the code I use to import
OleSetClipboard - note COM.IDataObject is my VB wrapper around
Public Declare Auto Function OleSetClipboard Lib "OLE32.DLL" _
(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByVal theDataObject As
COM.IDataObject) As Integer
I do the result returned is -2147221008 (CoInitialise has not been called).
As I am using OleSetClipboard from a thread I've created, I was under the
impression that .NET automatically called CoInitialise the first time I used
a COM object in that thread. Is this the case? What other reason can there
be for this problem?
Thanks for any help you can give (here is the code I use to import
OleSetClipboard - note COM.IDataObject is my VB wrapper around
Public Declare Auto Function OleSetClipboard Lib "OLE32.DLL" _
(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByVal theDataObject As
COM.IDataObject) As Integer