I've been scratching my head for weeks to understand why some code doesnt
work for me.
here is what i have:
dim sVal as string = "13.2401516"
dim x as double
x = sVal
debug.writeline ( x)
Now on my system (English WinXp proSP3) the debug line
is as follows
However, when a user in a different locale (different localized version of
Windows) the debug line prints
The same number only without the decimal. Can anyone shed some light on why
this happanes? is it because the user may have a
different format for numbers and the coercion is done according to that
format? How can i ensure that i get the proper conversion?
work for me.
here is what i have:
dim sVal as string = "13.2401516"
dim x as double
x = sVal
debug.writeline ( x)
Now on my system (English WinXp proSP3) the debug line
is as follows
However, when a user in a different locale (different localized version of
Windows) the debug line prints
The same number only without the decimal. Can anyone shed some light on why
this happanes? is it because the user may have a
different format for numbers and the coercion is done according to that
format? How can i ensure that i get the proper conversion?