
  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack Sons
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Jack Sons

Hi all,

In rows 2 to and with 252 of my worksheet cells in colums AK up to and
including AR contain dates or blanks. In row 1 the cells in colums AK to and
with AR ("header cells") have different interior colors, their text is bold
and black except for AO1 and AR1 where the text is bold and white.

I want the first cell of a row to have the same interior color and text
color of the header cell corresponding with the highest date (I mean: date
most in the future) in that row in colums AK to AR.

What code do I need?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Jack Sons
The Netherlands
Jack Sons,

If by "the first cell of a row" you mean column A:

Sub TryNow()
Dim myR As Long
Dim myC As Integer

For myR = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, Range("AK1").Column).End(xlUp).Row
myC = Application.Match(Application.Max(Cells(myR, Range("AK1").Column) _
.Resize(1, 8)), Cells(myR, 1).EntireRow, False)
Cells(myR, 1).EntireRow.Cells(1, myC).Copy
Cells(myR, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
Next myR
End Sub

Thanks for your help. When I execute the code I see it stepping through
column A from row 2 downwards, but it doesn't change anything.

What could be wrong?


I'm afraid I whined too early because with a little more thinking I made the
code work with the following change. Is it correct?

'Cells(myR, 1).EntireRow.Cells(1, myC).Copy
Cells(1, myC).Copy


It's hard to say if the code is correct or not because I am not exactly sure
what it is that you are doing.

The true test is whether your results are what you expect or not. If you're
getting the result you want, the code is probably good.
