Code Works for Some Worksheets, But Not Others



I have a macro which moves to each worksheet and changes the page setup
properties. The code changes the properties on some worksheets, but not

Have anyone had a similar problem? Is the file corrupt? I have tried
- selecting all worksheets and changing the properties
- looping through each worksheet and changing the properties
Neither worked.

Code snippet:

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Worksheets

If ws.Name = "Main" Then

With ws.PageSetup
.PrintQuality = 600
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = False
End With


With ws.PageSetup
.PrintQuality = 600
End With

End If

Next ws


the code worked fine for me.

have you tried manually changing that setting on the recalcitrant sheets?


Also, if it is only the main sheet that is problematic, recall the Vergel
showed to set the zoom as well

With ws.PageSetup
.PrintQuality = 600
.Zoom = False '< == added line
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = False
End With

The zoom property can override Fit to print so you should set it explicitly
to false.


Hi Tom,

I've tried with and without the zoom, but no luck.

The worksheets that are causing the problem have a blank print quality (they
are inserted by another process). I was using macro to change iprint quality
to 600 dpi, but it is not working.

Don Guillett

I have no idea if this will work or not but I just went to mine and I have
no option (xerox 6200b color laser) shown BUT 600 dpi. So, maybe change
printer driver (if you don't have others installed try anything)>do a print
preview on any sheet> change printer back to your original and see what you
have on the imported sheets.???????


Like I said, it works for me. Does the print out look any different. As far
as I know, this is pretty much a dead setting, but I guess it would depend on
the printer.


Thanks for your time and suggestions, guys. The issue appears to be
workstation-related, because the macro runs fine on other PCs in the office.


I re-imaged my PC (reinstalling Excel 2003 and Acrobat 7.0). The code works
fine now.

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