I have a form that contains 44 fields"; Location 1 (number field), Location 1
RorM (text field combo box value R, M, limit to list field), Location 2
(number field), Location 2 RorM (text field combo box value R, M, limit to
list field), Location3 (number field), Location 3 RorM (text field combo box
value R, M, limit to list field), etc... up to Location 22.
A form cannot be saved if a Location * field is not null or 0 (zero) AND a
cooresponding Location * RorM field is null.
My first thought is to put code in BeforeUpdate to test for the above, but
the following code is already in there. Is there someone else I can perform
this test or can I incorporate code that will test for this in the
BeforeUpdate event along with what is already in there? Thanks.
Current Code:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Welded_By_Robot, 0) = 0 Then
Cancel = True 'Don't let the record be saved
Dim strMsg As String 'To assign the message's text
strMsg = "You must choose Yes or No for 1E211 Welds by Robot? " _
& "in order to continue. Click on 'Ok' if you want " _
& "to provide this information and continue, or
click " _
& "'Cancel' to abandon the entire record."
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, _
"Incomplete Data") = vbCancel Then 'If user response is
End If
End If
End Sub
RorM (text field combo box value R, M, limit to list field), Location 2
(number field), Location 2 RorM (text field combo box value R, M, limit to
list field), Location3 (number field), Location 3 RorM (text field combo box
value R, M, limit to list field), etc... up to Location 22.
A form cannot be saved if a Location * field is not null or 0 (zero) AND a
cooresponding Location * RorM field is null.
My first thought is to put code in BeforeUpdate to test for the above, but
the following code is already in there. Is there someone else I can perform
this test or can I incorporate code that will test for this in the
BeforeUpdate event along with what is already in there? Thanks.
Current Code:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Welded_By_Robot, 0) = 0 Then
Cancel = True 'Don't let the record be saved
Dim strMsg As String 'To assign the message's text
strMsg = "You must choose Yes or No for 1E211 Welds by Robot? " _
& "in order to continue. Click on 'Ok' if you want " _
& "to provide this information and continue, or
click " _
& "'Cancel' to abandon the entire record."
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, _
"Incomplete Data") = vbCancel Then 'If user response is
End If
End If
End Sub