code problems

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I subscribe to a link checking service, and I often get broken links reported
with extra code in that I know was not there originally. For example....

On page won/award11.htm
when you click on the Image:"../../graphics/misc2/top6.gif" (Alt: top),
the link to won/award11
gives the error: Not found

Can anyone explain why the > %20 < is there? It can be quite time consuming
to go through and repair the sode, especially if the error is in a menu bar
or on every page
Tis because you have spaces in your file/folder names...they will appear as
%20 this will cause problems on some servers and maybe browsers as well. You
can use underscores _ instead. Also, since you have to rename them all, you
should stick to lowercase as well.

|I subscribe to a link checking service, and I often get broken links
| with extra code in that I know was not there originally. For example....
| On page won/award11.htm
| when you click on the Image:"../../graphics/misc2/top6.gif" (Alt: top),
| the link to won/award11
| gives the error: Not found
| Can anyone explain why the > %20 < is there? It can be quite time
| to go through and repair the sode, especially if the error is in a menu
| or on every page
Can anyone explain why the > %20 < is there?

It's a server-encoded space character. They only way to eliminate them is
to eliminate spaces from your file/pathnames.

Actually, I cannot click on *any* of those links, since each one produces a
javascript error for me. This is caused by the absence of any of the
support javascript from the head of the page. For example, this link -

New award displays [received after Sept 1st 2005]<BR> start at page&nbsp; <A
HREF="award29.htm"><IMG BORDER="0" ID="img34"
SRC="../../awardprog/awards%20won/awdswonbuttons/buttonB4.gif" HEIGHT="20"
WIDTH="20" ALT="28"

calls "FP_swapImg(...)" onMouseOver, yet there is no definition of that
function in the head of the page ->



<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="cat, cats, penmarric, cattery, breed,




To fix this, I believe you would need to open the page in FP2003 and edit
the behavior by double clicking on the "Swap Images" in the Behaviors panel.
Then just click OK, and you should be good to go.

And make sure that you don't use spaces in your file/pathnames.