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Since a couple of weeks ago, IE6 and Now IE&, keeps failing to keep the
correct page encoding, and I need to revert back to my languages codepage in
every refresh, any help?

Regards George
Options/settings in several third-party applications may be disallowing the
changes you've made from "sticking". These include Ad-aware's Ad-Watch,
Spybot Tea Timer, SpywareBlaster, SpySweeper, Norton AntiVirus, McAfee
VirusScan and/or Antispyware, and Zone Alarm (Free and Pro).
Hi, thanks for your answer. I have only Norton Antivirus for 2 years now, and
this started to happen, just a couple of weeks ago. I installed Zone Alarm,
free 3 months ago. In any case, I shut both of them down and the problem was
not solved. You suggest that I should completely remove them from my
computer? If I am not mistaken thogh, this problem started after I installed


ZA Free includes "protections" which cannot be disabled via the UI. These
"protections" are NOT disabled if you close ZA Free. Try uninstalling ZA
Free (make certain you enable the Windows Firewall!) then try making the
changes. Afterwards, you can reinstall ZA Free, if you want.

ZA Pro includes a UI where these "protections" /can/ be disabled.
Did exactly what you said, the problem still persists.

Anything else that I should look into?


Contact Symantec Support to see if a "protection" or setting in NAV might be
disallowing the change.
I honestly do not think its another software's issue, because as I said, I
use Symantec NAV for over 2 years and I did not tamper any settings nor did I
install anything to my computer except upgrading to MSIE7. This issue appears
to a colleague of mine too, who does not have Symantec NAV. This thing
appeared to me after I installed MSIE7, and whatever setting I make in
encoding, it keeps returning to Western European(ISO) instead of
Greek(Windows)and I need to always change the encoding. Can you think of
another way of solving this?

Thanks and best regards

NAV is far from being able to detect all malware. There is a lot of malware
that is not a virus.
Help with malware
All MS-MVP Sites.

Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by deceptive software.

So How Did I Get Infected Anyway?
For quite a few people it's by installing Messenger Plus, whose ads for
malware don't identify the malware as such and try to convince you that you
owe it to the author. See also:
Don't ever do a "default" install of anything. Always choose Custom and see
what else is being carried along. Don't install any extras you're not sure
What version of NAV is it? Is it part of NSW or NIS? Was NAV or NIS
running when you installed IE7? Was ZA Free /installed/ when you installed